2025 Boston Marathon Application

Good Sports is thrilled to be an Official Charity of the 2025 Boston Marathon® presented by Bank of America! Selected runners will become Good Sports Play Champions – a community of endurance event participants raising funds and awareness to help Good Sports increase access to sports for children who need it most.

Please note all runners will be expected to commit to a goal of $10,000 raised, with a required minimum of $9,000 raised. If you are interested in joining our 2025 Boston Marathon® team, please fill out the application below. Our team will review on a rolling basis and reach out if we are interested in scheduling an interview at this time. Please contact Greyson Avots (gavots@goodsports.org) if you have any questions and thank you for your interest!

2025 Boston Marathon® Application

  • Please note, all fields below are required. Incomplete or carelessly filled applications will not be considered.
  • Applicant Information

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Please indicate size and if men / women sizing is preferred.
  • Runner Type

    Please select one

  • Relevant Background

  • Why Good Sports?

  • Fundraising

  • In order to receive a guaranteed entry for the Boston Marathon®, each runner must commit to setting a goal of $10,000 raised for Good Sports ($9,000 required minimum). Benefits include:
  • - Personal training program
  • - Personal fundraising page on GivenGain to make fundraising simple and successful
  • - Invite to 2024 Boston Legends Gala in April
  • - Opportunity to tour and volunteer at Good Sports' Field House in Braintree, MA to sort equipment to be delivered to kids in need
  • - Impact Report detailing the marathon team's impact on Good Sports
  • - Good Sports Marathon Team shirt, quarter-zip and racing singlet

Please note all runners will have a $9,000 minimum. If a runner falls short of the $10,000 goal by raising $9,900, he/she will not be responsible for the remaining $100. If a runner falls short of the minimum by raising $8,900, he/she will be responsible for the remaining $100.

  • Are you interested in any other endurance events besides the Boston Marathon?

  • Release Form & Contribution Agreement

    NOTE: Below is a copy of the agreement each runner signs upon receiving an offer to run the Boston Marathon® for Good Sports. I agree to promptly notify Good Sports in the event I am unable to participate in the 2025 Bank of America Boston Marathon (“Event”). I further agree to promptly notify Good Sports in the event any of the information in my application changes between the date of submission and the date of the event.

    As a member of the Good Sports 2025 Bank of America Boston Marathon Team, I agree to raise a minimum of $9,000 for Good Sports by April 19, 2025, with a goal of $10,000. I further agree to collect at least $3,000 for Good Sports by December 31, 2025. If I have not raised at least $3,000 by December 31, 2025, Good Sports has the right to cancel my entry in advance of the official B.A.A. registration deadline. If I have not raised at least $9,000 by April 25, 2025, I will be responsible for the balance owed. I understand that the B.A.A. charges a registration fee that is not included in my fundraising minimum and which I must pay directly to the B.A.A.

    By executing this application, I also grant to Good Sports the irrevocable and unrestricted right to use my name, likeness and/or photograph or voice for all purposes, including editorial, commercial and advertising, in broadcast, telecast, print, or any other medium now known or later developed, and agree to waive the right to any compensation or other claims for such use or otherwise against Good Sports. I also give Good Sports the right to alter any of the foregoing and to copyright the same in its name.

    I understand that the Boston Athletic Association and Good Sports cannot guarantee that an in-person Event will take place as scheduled on April 21, 2025. If the Event is rescheduled, I understand that I am expected to run the race on the rescheduled date and meet the fundraising minimum of $9,000 by the date set by Good Sports. If the Event is canceled, or if I am unable to participate in the race due to injury, illness, travel restrictions, or any other reason, I understand that I am still expected to meet the $9,000 fundraising minimum by the date set by Good Sports. I further understand that deferment of my runner entry from the Event to a future Boston Marathon or other endurance event is not permitted.

    I agree to comply with all protocols and procedures related to COVID-19 mitigation and public health for the Event, including U.S. federal and state travel guidelines and any quarantine requirements that are in place at the time of the Event.

    I hereby release Good Sports and its members, directors, officers, employees, representatives, agents, successors and assigns from any and all present and future claims for any loss, injury, illness (including COVID-19), damage (including real or personal property damage) or liability sustained by me while participating in the Event, whether resulting from negligence, inherent risk of sport or exercise or otherwise, and I hereby waive the right to bring any such claims against Good Sports and members, directors, officers, employees, representatives, agents, successors and assigns.

    I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless Good Sports and its members, directors, officers, employees, representatives, agents, successors and assigns from and against any and all claims arising from my involvement in the Event or incidental thereto, wherever, whenever, and however the claims may arise, including, but not limited to, travel to and from the Event.

    I assume all the foregoing risks and accept personal responsibility for any damages and loss following any loss of property, injury, illness (including COVID-19), permanent disability, or death resulting from my participation in the Event. In the event of an illness, injury or medical emergency arising during the event or in the training and planning sessions for said event, I hereby authorize and give my consent to Good Sports, Heartbreak Hill Running Company and/or the B.A.A. to secure from any accredited hospital, clinic and/or physician any treatment deemed necessary for my immediate care. I agree that I will be fully responsible for payment of any and all medical services and treatment rendered to me including but not limited to medical transport, medications, treatment, and hospitalization of an emergency.

    I have read and fully understand the above waiver, release, and assumption of risk and fully understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing this waiver, release, and assumption of risk, and sign it voluntarily.

    I agree that any legal claim or dispute arising out of, or in any way relating to my participation in the Event, shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, USA, and will be adjudicated exclusively by and in, and I hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of, the federal and state courts located in the Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

    I declare I have reviewed the terms and conditions included as part of this application and have exercised my own judgment in completing and signing the same. I further declare that the decision to sign this agreement was voluntary and not based on or influenced by any representation of Good Sports.

  • Emergency Contact Information

    The following person should be contacted in the event of an emergency:

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.