After 12 years with a logo that truly represented Good Sports and our mission well, we are excited for the direction this new logo will take us. Our friends at Jackrabbit Design helped us create the final product and we were able to dive deeper into the details of the process with them.
Why was it time for a new logo for Good Sports?
Melissa Harper, CEO, Good Sports: When we were designing our original logo, we didn’t have a lot to give in terms of guidance. As a small founding board of 5 we evaluated a set of original options and chose that original design. Good Sports has grown so much since then and it was time for our logo to grow with us.
Jackrabbit Design: The old Good Sports logo had some worthwhile heritage. However, the logo itself had been around for over a decade. Good Sports has grown so much that we felt it was important to update their image to match the depth of the organization. We felt like we could do something really cool and fresh, while still maintaining some brand equity from the original.
What was the redesign process like?
Christy Keswick, COO, Good Sports: As we’ve continued to grow, we’ve realized that our logo shows up in many different places, which was a big influence in determining there was a need to change it. We wanted to capture some of the original elements from our first logo – like having a unique color that helps us stand out. Jackrabbit took our feedback really well and took the best of the old and brings us into the next phase of growth for the organization.
Jackrabbit: Redesigning the Good Sports logo was a great opportunity! We immediately knew we wanted a logo with an icon, and something that tied into sports in a general enough way. We started by showing a few different options, then narrowed that down with the Good Sports team. Once we had the main idea finalized, we iterated a bit on colors, and then agreed on the end result.
What do you like most about the new logo?
Melissa: I love that it keeps that same stylistic concept that we had in the first one in terms of representing a variety of different sports and activities. We want the rest of the world to know that our brand is about play and this new logo does a great job representing that message.
Jackrabbit: We love that it has a design that manages to be energizing and visually interesting, but also very professional. Incorporating a few different sports shows the diversity of the equipment Good Sports provides. Overall, the new logo is clean and allows the branding to be elevated to match without feeling like it’s a completely new brand.
Where do you see this logo taking Good Sports?
Jackrabbit: We hope this logo takes Good Sports in for the win! We think the mark is a great match for the energy, success, and mission of Good Sports.
Christy: This logo is in for quite the ride. I see this logo in stadiums, on billboards. I see that it is going to go where Good Sports is going and I believe that is going to be to really great places.